Configuring the test system


  • Documentation of live system.
  • Verification.
  • Debug information.
  • Platform separation.
  • Rollback.

The ideal QA environment

  • Virtualized.
  • Deployed or verified by project team.
  • Rollback
  • Root privileges.

Operating the test system

  • Who is using the test system? (Names of testers,ensure only QA team has access)
  • Load test scheduling (When will the system be put under load). 
  • Destructive testing (Destructive to break it).

Destructive testing

  • Destructive software is a type of software testing which attempts to cause a piece of software to fail in an uncontrolled manner,in order to test its also known as Fail-over and Recover testing

Observing the test system

  • Monitoring hardware.
  • Fault free running time.
  • System monitoring tools.

Evaluating the test results

  • Test result A matched expected result A.
  • escalating results even through criteria has been met.
  • Caveats.

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