SOC Reports

Why SOC Reports?

  • Some industry require SOC2 or local compliance audit.
  • Many organizations who know compliance, know SOC2 Type 2  consider it a stronger statement of operational effectiveness than ISO 27001 (Continuous Testing).
  • Many organization's client will accept SOC2 of the right to audit.

SOC2 security

  • Name: Trust services Principles and criteria for security - The system is protected against unauthorized access.
  • Governance: AICPA
  • Purpose: Assist service organization management in reporting to customers that it has established security criteria that ensure that the system is protected against unauthorized access (both physical and logical).
  • Best use: Measure a service organization against static security principles and criteria.
  • Certification: CPA Firm attest Examination opinion.
  • Infrastructure: CPA/CA Firms worldwide.
  • Periodic cover: Point in time (Type 1) or Period of Time (Type 2)
  • Nature of audition of certification of testing: Design effectiveness and operating effectiveness (Type 2).
  • Report: Report containing the auditors opinion,management's assertion,description of controls ,user control consideration,tests of controls and result.
  • Difficulty to achieve: Higher difficulty.

ISO 27001

  • Name: ISO/IEC 27001,second Edition 2013-10-01,IT-Security techniques-Information security Management system.
  • Governance: ANCI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB)
  • Purpose: Assist organization management in establishment and certification of an Information security M.S (ISMS) that meets specified requirements and is able to be certified as best practice.
  • Best use: Establish,implement,maintain and improve an ISMS.
  • Certification: ISO Accredited Registrar certification.
  • Infrastructure: Lots of consultants,few certifiers.
  • Period covered: Point in time.
  • Nature of audit on certification of testing: Design effectiveness.
  • Report: Single page certification.
  • Difficulty to achieve: Moderate difficulty.



  • Used for situations where the systems are being used for financial reporting.
  • Also referenced as statement on standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE)18AT-C 320.(formerly SSAE 16 or AT 801)


  • Addresses a service organization's controls that are relevant to their operations and operations and compliance,more generally than SOC1.
  • Restricted use report contains substantial detail on the system,security practices,testing methodology and result.
  • Also SSAE 18 standard,sections AT-C 105 and AT-C 205.


  • General use report to provide interested parties with a CPA's opinion about same controls in SOC2.


Scoping considerations -SO2 principles

Report scope is defined based on the Trust Service Principles and can be expanded to extend to additional subject matter.

  1. Security
  2. Availability
  3. Confidentiality
  4. Processing Integrity
  5. Privacy 


What are auditors looking for? 

  • Accuracy - are controls results bring assessed for pass/fail. 
  • Completeness - do controls implementation over the entire offering .e.g. no gaps in inventory,personnel etc.
  • Timeliness - are controls performed on time with no gaps in coverage. If a control cannot be performed on time , are there appropriate assessment (risk) approvals BEFORE the control is considered.
  • Consistency: Shifting control implementation raises concerns about above , plus increases testing.
  • Primary control: Provides the feature/function/operation of the control.e.g. 

             1.Access management     

             2.Approvals exist for every user/system/role.

             3.Continuous business need assessment.

             4.Employment verification to ensure timely removal of employees on 

               separation from an organization. 

  • Secondary Control: Provides support or backup to ensure primary control is effective.e.g Access management Periodic reconciliation to confirm approval records match live system.No n]one has circumvented the Access management and created local ids, changed role eels etc.

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