Account Provisioning

 Account Provisioning allows for the creation of new accounts and attributes associated with those accounts.

1.Account provisioning on identity provisioning technology creates,modifies,disables and deletes user accounts and their profiles across IT infrastructure and business applications.

2.Discretionary account provisioning: Administrators determine which applications and data a user should have access to.

3.Self-service account provisioning: Users participate in some aspects of the provisioning process,thus reducing administrative overhead.Often,users are allowed to request an account and manage their passwords.

4.Workflow-based account provisioning: gathers the required approvals from the designated approvers before granting a user access to an application/data.For example, the business rules in a finance application might require that every new account request be approved by the company's Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

5.Automated account provisioning: requires every account to be added the same way through an interface in a centralized management application application.this streamlines the process of adding and managing user credentials and provides administrators with the most accurate way to track who has access to specific applications and data sources.

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