Cloud Service Models

 1.Software as a Service (SaaS) 

 Software as a Service providers the consumer the ability to use the provider's applications running on a cloud infrastructure.The applications are accessible from various client devices through an interface like a web browser or a program interface.

a.Project management

b.Marketing management

c.Live chat

d.Help Desk

e.Invoice Application


g.Email Marketing



  SaaS offers

a.Users can access their applications and data from anywhere,anytime.

b.Reduced TCO-reduced the need for advanced hardware.Reducing and storage are provided.

c.Rather than purchasing licenses,software is leased.

d.Pay per use


f.Updates and patch management is the responsibility of the provides.

g.Standardization all users have the same version of software.


  Security for SaaS 

SaaS involves three main issues:

a. Data segregation

b.Data Access and Policies

c.Web Application security

2.PaaS(Platform-as-a-Service) offers:

a.Support for multiple languages and frameworks allowing developers to code in whichever programming language they prefer.

b.Multiple hosting environments : the ability to offer a wide variety and choice for the underlying hosting environments.

c.Flexibility: Focus on open standards and allowing relevant plugins to be quickly introduced to the platform.The goal is to reduce "lock-in" that comes with proprietary source code.

d.Automatically scalability: the application to seamlessly scale up and down as required by the platform.

  Security for PaaS:

PaaS involves three main issues:

a.System/Resource isolation

b.User level permissions

c.User access management.

d.Protection against malware.

3.Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

a.The capability provided is to provision processing,storage,networks and other fundamental computing resources where the consumer is able to deploy and run software including applications and operating systems.The consumer doesn't control the infrastructure , but does control the OS,storage,deployed apps and configuration settings.



d.Disk storage local or SAN


f.Switches,all or part of the VLAN

  IaaS offers

a.Usage metered and priced on the basis of units command.

b.Upwards or Downwards scalability as needed.

c.Reduced TCO: No need to buy ant assets,as day-to-day efforts are provided within the cloud.Reduced cost of maintenance and support,and no loss of asset value.

d.Reduced energy and cooling costs along with green IT environments.

e.Reduced in-house IT staff.

 Security for IaaS:

IaaS requires focus and understanding of the layers of the architecture from architecture to virtualization components.Concern includes

 a.VM attacks

 b.Virtual switches/Network

 c.VM based Rootkits/malicious hypervisors

 d.Single point of access (A single NIC may provide access to numerous VMs)

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