
The types and implementation of encryption are drivers by the CIA objectives determined for the data.However, encryption generally involves the following

1.Data - What needs to be protected.

2.Encryption engine - element that performs the encryption operation.

3.Encryption keys - Safe-guarding the keys is an essential element of successful cryptography.

Types of encryption -

1.Storage-level encryption

 +Full drive encryption - storage level encryption can be used can be used in addition to either volume storage encryption or object storage encryption .

 +Encryption engine is located on the storage management level,with the keys managed by the CSP.

2.Volume storage encryption

 +Rather than encrypting the entire drive , a customer may choose to encrypt only the necessary volume.

3.Object storage encryption

 +File level encryption - DRM/IRM allows creator of file to embed permissions based on attributes .These restrictions protect the file regardless 3rd party access.

 +Application level-encryption - can use file or application level encryption .Also most DBMS can provide transparent encryption that is seamless to the user , with the engine residing within the database.

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