Software Defined Networking

 The SDN Architecture is :

1. Directly programmable: 

    Network control is directly programmable because it is decoupled from forwarding functions.

2. Agile:

    Abstracting control from forwarding lets administrators dynamically adjust network-wide traffic flow to must changing needs.

3. Centrally managed:

    network intelligence is (logically) centralized in software based SDN controllers that maintain a global view of the network,which appears t applications and policy engine as a single,logical switch.

4. Programmatically configured:

    SDN lets network managers configure,manage,secure and optimize network resources very quickly via dynamic,automated SDN programs,which they can write themselves because the programs do not depends on proprietary software.

5.Open standards-based and vendor neutral:

When implemented through open-standards,SDN simplifies network design and operation because instructions are provided by SDN controllers instead of multiple,vendor-specific devices and protocols.

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