Virtualization concerns

 1.Inter VM attacks

      + traffic between the VMs traverses a virtual network and are invisible to the physical security elements and is sometimes referred to as the "Blind spot".

        + Blind Spot - Monitoring of the virtual network is an essential as that of the physical.


    + many security tools affect performance,perhaps more so on VMs.

   + understanding the virtual environment and the use of proper sizing,planning and balancing the needs of the environment.

3.VM sprawl

    + The increasing number of VMs in use leaves the potential for oversights and misconfiguration.

   + Automation and proper governance and long term framework to mitigate the risks associated with operational complexity.


    + Installing a rogue hypervisor that can take complete control of a host through the use of a VM based root kit that attacks the original hypervisor,inserting a modified rogue hypervisor in its place.

5.Instant-on Gaps

    + Vulnerabilities exist from when a VM is powered on and when its security rules can be updated.

    + Best practices include network based security and "virtual patching" that inspects traffic for known attacks before it can get to a newly provisioned on newly started VM.It is also possible to enforce NAC (Network Access Control ) like capabilities to isolate VMs until their rules and pattern files are updated and a scan has been run.

6.VM Theft/Modification

    + VM encryption is necessary as VMs are susceptible to modifications or theft,but it can affect performance.


7.Data commingling

    + Data of different classifications could potentially be stored on the same physical device.  

   + Combination of VLANs firewalls and IDS/IPS to ensure VM isolation as a mechanism for supporting mixed mode deployments. We also recommend using data categorization and policy based management to prevent this.In cloud computing environments,the lowest common denominator of security a cloud potentially be shared by all tenants in the multi-tenant virtual environment.

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