Risk Identification && Analysis

Risk Identification

1. Risk management should be accomplished by a cross-functional team,including Sr.managers,technical staff,end-users and affected parties

2. Risk=Asset * Threat * Vulnerabilities

3. Risk modeling based of asset or threat.

4. Create the risk register.

Risk Analysis

1. Determine a value for the risk.The risk value will justify the risk reponse.

2. Risk value is probability * Impact

3. Qualitative

    + Subjective analysis to help prioritize probability and impact of risk events.

    + May use Delphi Technique.

4. Quantitative

    + Using objective,empirical data,often seeking to provide a dollar value to a particular risk event.

    + Much more sophisticated in nature, a quantitative analysis if much more difficult and requires special skill set.

    + Business decisions are made on a quantitative analysis.

    + Can't exist on it's own.Quantitative analysis depends on qualitative information.

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