

Security Operations Centers (SOC) need to how the current key skills , tools and processes to be able to detect, investigate and sop threats before they become costly data breaches.


A set of defined repeatable steps that take inputs,odd value and produce outputs that satisfy customer's requirement.

Attributes of process 

  • Inputs: Information or materials that are required by the process to get standard.
  • Outputs: Services or products that satisfy customer requirement.
  • Bounds/Scope: The process starts when .. and ends when ..
  • Tasks/Steps: Actions that are repeatable.

What makes a process successful?

  • Charter
  • Clear objectives
  • Governance/Ownership
  • Repeatability ( reduced variation )
  • Automation
  • Established performance indicators (metrics)

Process Performance Metrics

It is critical that we measure our processes ,so understand if they are performing to specification and producing the desired outcomes every time and within financial expectations.

     Typical categories:

         1. Cycle time




Continual Process Improvement

   Regular review of :

  • Process Metrics
  • Customer Feedback
  • Maturity Assessments
  • Financial Performance

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